Saturday, January 8, 2011

Seal of Approval.

As in most professions, there is a certain standard to which meteorologists attempt to achieve.  For us weather geeks on tv, its the American Meteorological Society (AMS) seal or the National Weather Association (NWA) seal.  In my opinion, the AMS is a bit more prestigious.  The NWA seal is more for weather broadcasters who so not  hold a meteorological degree.

Darren Maier, has had his AMS seal for several years now and its a process that Kyle Adams and I here at WLIO are beginning.

To achieve your AMS seal there is a written test as well as an on-air test.  The written test is comprised of 100 random questions on everything from hurricanes to rainbows.  The on-air test involves submitting samples of live weather segments to pros in the business for critique.  They make sure you know what you are talking about and give accurate and beneficial information to the viewers.

The hard work that it takes to call oneself a "sealed" meteorologist will be well worth it.  In many larger television markets, its a requirement for employment.  Achieving the AMS seal is one of my major goals for 2011. 

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