Sunday, December 19, 2010

Too Many Christmases.

Kubes and I made the trip home to MinneSNOWta last week and after celebrating Christmas with families and friends, it seems like the Holiday has already past!

Most of our 9 day vacay was spent with family, which is a good thing.  No compaints there. Swapping presents, eating big meals, drinking (of course)... all these things add to the feeling of the Holidays and we've already done it all!

We do have a Christmas tree up back here in Lima, and there still are presents to each other underneath it, but it's just a little odd.  By necessity, we celebrated a little to early.  :)


  1. Lots of people do it. You are not alone. My daughter works at a hospital and will be working Christmas Day, so we celebrated the holiday, this past weekend.

  2. I really am so happy I got to head home for some Holiday celebration at all!!!
