Thursday, September 8, 2011

Looking ahead.

It's already time to start thinking of our November Sweeps period for us in the broadcasting biz.  What's Sweeps, you ask?  Well, it's a series of in-depth stories that run in a three part series (usually Tuesday - Thursday).  A group of reporters each tackle a local subject that could use a little more air time, than a average story.  The story can involved hard news like politics and crime, or can me a little softer, like a feature of a particularly interesting family, or local community.  All this happens four times a year!

For me this time around, I'll be looking into our local Alzheimer's community.  What is it like to be living with the disease?  Also, what is it like to be taking care of a loved one who has Alzheimer's?  And lastly, what are the current outlooks for treatment and a possible cure?

I'll be headed to the Alzheimer's Walk for a Cure this Saturday in Faurot Park to get a start on talking to all of you! 

For this three-part piece, I'll be looking for people affected by the disease who are willing to open up and share their stories.  Are you one of those people?  I'd love to chat with you!  Send me an email (, leave me a message on Facebook, or find me at the walk this weekend!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Craft Weekend.

Kubes is out of town for the Holiday, so it's all about crafts for me this weekend.  Obvi, it's all stuff I've found on Pinterest. (Love it.)  Here's what I've accomplished so far... (Minus a couple that I can't show because they're gifts!)

Homemade No Knead Bread Dough (Recipe)
Dried Fruit!

Glitter Fridge Magnets

Coasters (How To)

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Book Club.

Although some of our members (Ahem Jess, Marissa and Kristy) are having a little trouble finding time to read, it was time to pick a new book.  Everyone liked The Help, but I think it was a little too commercial for us.  We want something a little more scandalous and off the beaten path.  One main reason a lot of us enjoy the club (besides the food and drink) is that we read a book that we would not have otherwise picked out.

So, up next... Slammerkin, a story based on truth of a woman in 1752 whose lust for nice clothing leads her into a life of prostitution. 

We'll see what this one brings...