Well the potting soil has just arrived in the stores and there are no plants for sale yet, but I couldn't wait to get my seeds started! Since I have no official garden this year I'm going to have to try my green thumb skills with a potted garden. As a start, I made four pots with two different combos of herbs and flowers. Hopefully by mid-summer I will have some blooms and be able to snip some fresh sprigs for cooking! Two larger pots have zinnias, basil and alyssum. The hanging pots have nasturtiums, moss roses and parsley. I know I totally overcrowded the pots but I am planning on dabbling in some major thinning once everything starts growing. Will probably have to transplant some of them to a fifth pot! The more the merrier! Here's a couple snapshots of what's beginning to come up...we still have a long way to go!
Plus look at my sweet new gardening gloves from my bestie Mal!!